September 2018 Sunflower Calendar Wallpaper

Welcome the start of fall with this cheerful sunflower wallpaper. Get the free downloads today for your computer, phone or tablet!

Happy September!

We’ve had a few cooler mornings as of late here in Venice and it’s reminding me that fall is near. While I know we’re likely going to have a couple more heatwaves before autumn is officially here, I’m excited about the thought of fall. Sweaters, warm coffee (only drinking it iced lately), and brisk mornings. Although I have to admit, it feels like it was only just fall.

This month’s free wallpaper download features modern sunflowers in various yellow tones. The perfect, cheerful way to welcome fall on your computer, phone or tablet. Enjoy!


2560 x 14402560 x 1440 with calendar | 2560 x 1440 with quote
1440 x 900  | 1440 x 900 with calendar | 1440 x 900 with quote
iPhone | iPhone with calendar | iPhone with quote | iPhone home screen
iPhone X | iPhone X with calendar | iPhone X with quote| iPhone X home screen
iPad | iPad with calendar | iPad with quote | iPad home screen

original illustrations by Sarah Hearts | free downloads are for personal, noncommercial use only


  1. This is perfect! It’s still quite hot where I live so I’m happy to see a September wallpaper that captures an “end of summer” feel. Thanks!

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