Yay, it’s (almost )the weekend! My weekend will be full of Meet + Make prep and cleaning up my office because things get a bit crazy around here before every workshop. I mean, there are craft supplies EVERYWHERE. I’ll also be spending time at the barn, riding my horse and enjoying the warm weather. Florida weather is funny. It went from one of the coldest weeks of the year straight into the upper 80s. Forget spring, it feels like summer here!
If you’re looking for something fun to DIY this week, here are my favorites from this week.
1. This room makeover is full of amazing details. The DIY side table and gold grid wall are my fave.
2. Can you believe these wall frames are made from Ikea cork trivets?
3. I adore these pastel and gold painted pots.
4. If these giant paper flowers don’t make you want spring to come asap, I don’t know what will!
I’m also loving:
I’m also excited about this new DIY book.
Chambray and scallops. This skirt and this top need to be in closet.
Waffled cheesecake. YES, PLEASE.
Put a jewel on it.
Bracelets for all your besties.