Happy Weekend!

This is an outtake from my chocolate Pocky pops. I accidentally dropped the camera remote in the matcha powder! Happy Friday and happy weekend! This…

Sometimes you accidentally drop the camera remote when you're taking a photo!

This is an outtake from my chocolate Pocky pops. I accidentally dropped the camera remote in the matcha powder!

Happy Friday and happy weekend!

This was a crazy productive week for me. I wrapped up a few projects, got my inbox down to the single digits and even had time for an awesome trail ride. So here’s to another productive day and a weekend off. We’ll be visiting the dog park, heading to a birthday party, and squeezing in a beach bike ride. What are you up to this weekend?

Favorite links from this week

2 vase diys: put tattoos on them or add a frosted pattern

This guide to putting in patio pavers is giving me serious backyard envy.

I could use this in the laundry room.

Every home office needs this pretty board.

I’ve got my eyes on this watch.

Loving Kelly’s new YouTube channel.

Just in time for back to school.

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